Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm Back!

hey ppl, i am back!

i missed the nus bash because i had a plane to catch the next morning. i thought my friends are ton-ing through the night but who knows they are home earlier than i expected. and they seem to have enjoyed themselves too.. all the robot dance and stuff that i heard from them. haha! but as usual, always talking about cute girls blah blah. i just think it's so superficial. haha clubbing aint really the thing for me anyway, so well well..

yup yup, show you guys some photos that i took..

from the plane window..

wow.. looks like some heavenly scene

moving through large pieces of candy floss hehe

that's my niece for you, she's simply adorablee!

oh, and one thing i realised.. getting married seems to be the trend now! so manyyy cousins of mine are getting married, either within this year or the next. with the wedding spirit hovering in the air, i am beginning to feel so happy for them and also, really envious. haha! i guess good things are worth the wait.. :D