Monday, April 6, 2009

Beach Day

whee yesterday we went to the beach! the weather is not really fantastic because it actually rained but, hey at least its quite cooling. of course i will prefer the rain since i am rainie.. ;D

well, let's see. i dont even know whether to say yesterday is a good day or not actually. because it's suppose to be a fun day out at ecp but a chain of disastrous events just follows next. okay we'll only talk about the joyous part, and photo spammings as usual..

setting up the tent..

tadah! 3 houses formed..

bh in his house..

blowing up the ice container

everyone having a picnic at kky's house lol

a photo of yl taking photo lol

part of the great wall i build on the beach, and my twist ;D

my name on the sand..

rainie and the sea!

.. then embracing it! hehe..

yl and his funny actions again

zh wearing my capp..

kky acting like a small boy..

tadah i finally get to wear my sunglasses for the first time

zh and i exchanged spects! he look quite .. [fill in the blank] lol